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Professional CSI Fingerprint Dust Cleanup Services in Utah

The graphite dust that investigators use to check for fingerprints spreads far and wide with any cleanup efforts. As you attempt to wash away signs of the crime against your home or business, the dust will quickly turn into an inky substance that plasters itself across all your belongings. Despite your best efforts, your residence or workplace will remain marked with the signs of the crime.


Here at Steri-Clean Utah, we have the skills, experience and tools to effectively remove all signs of fingerprint dust - and the crime in question. We utilize years of biohazard cleanup and decontamination services to restore order to our clients’ residences and places of work. When you give us a call, you can rest assured that our team will handle every phase of the cleanup process, no matter what it entails.


Importance of Professional Fingerprint Dust Cleanup Services


At first glance, fingerprint dust looks harmless enough, but that cannot be further from the truth. The specialized powders used to capture fingerprints can actually damage the surface, as can your removal efforts.


Although formulas vary widely, fingerprint powders contain deeply-pigmented substances, such as black ferric oxide, that reveal the prints to the naked eye. Beyond having dark pigments, the ingredient properties make them stick heavily to areas with oil or moisture. This means that with every swipe of the rag, the ingredients smear across the surface, making the mess a whole lot worse.


Even more alarmingly, fingerprint dust formulas often contain lead, mercury and cadmium. Although vital to ensuring the powders reveal every loop and swirl in the prints, these compounds are hazardous to the health. As you try to scrub the powder off your household or workplace surfaces, you will suffer exposure to the hazardous compounds. This can result in serious health complications that require care from a medical provider.


Even with protective gear, effective tools and proven techniques, cleaning up a crime on your own can prove stressful and traumatic. You can avoid the stress and potential health problems caused by fingerprint dust removal efforts at your Utah home or business by hiring a skilled cleanup team. Our team at Steri-Clean Utah can thoroughly remove fingerprint dust from all the surfaces investigated by law enforcement.


Our Commitment to Quality Service and Support


When you acquire our fingerprint dust cleanup services in Utah, you can rest assured that we will provide the highest level of service and support. We focus on always weaving compassion and professionalism in all we do. We are dedicated to thoroughly cleaning up all biohazards, fingerprint dust residue and other signs of a crime. We work hard to restore the order of residences and workplaces hit by criminal behavior and left in disarray by investigative efforts.

In serving our valued clients, our team always follows all state and federal standards to ensure the full removal of all hazardous substances. We remove all traces of blood, fingerprint dust and other compounds that could prove hazardous to your health or simply disconcerting. Our team strives to quickly put our clients’ homes and businesses back in order to reduce the impact of criminal behavior on their lives and livelihoods.


Call Today to Schedule Your Cleanup Services in Utah


To avoid the stress of trying to handle the cleanup efforts on your own, you can rely on our team to complete the thoroughly remove all fingerprint dust, blood and other hazards. We are here to help you put your home or business back together after it was hit by a crime. You can trust that we will use proven tools and techniques to removal all traces of criminal behavior and the resulting investigation by law enforcement.


For your immediate cleanup needs, we are available 24 hours a day. Give our team a call at
1- 888-577-7206  to learn more about our fingerprint cleanup services.

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